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Trademark Registration Agent Certificate Obtainment


In August, 2010, Zhishuo Group obtained “Trademark Registration Agent” which proved that we were always conducting our business within law scope.

Trademark in China is a distinctive symbol for impressing the market and consumers. To apply for a trademark is getting much more difficult since the confusing process and complicated documents list.

We provide high-quality application service of trademark registration, helping our clients to obtain the registered trademark with no efforts.

The Types of Trademarks in China:

Traditional Trademarks:A mark used in goods and/or services, in order to enables consumers to identify the source of goods or services.

Collective Trademarks:A mark registered in the name of any association, group or other organization in order to be used by the members thereof to indicate their membership of such organizations.

Collective Membership Marks:A mark registered by any organization capable of supervising certain goods or services and used by entities or individual persons outside the organization for their goods or services to certify the origin, material, and mode of manufacture, quality or other characteristics of the goods or services.

Contact us for more detailed information about China trademark registration.

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